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Game Hiccups Every ~10 Seconds


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So I've been playing for a little over 100 hours. Things have (for the most part) worked fine through most of the playthrough--though I did some fiddling with the Stutter Remover ini to cap my framerate around 30, due to issues with leaving it uncapped.


However, I've been noticing a pretty consistent 1-2 sec hiccup every ~10 seconds of playtime. Everything simply stops for a moment (audio continues as normal). This started relatively recently, and I haven't been able to identify what's causing it.


Any ideas/fixes? I can post my load order if it helps, but I'm guessing this has less to do with mods and more to do with the amount of time I've been playing. This doesn't happen on a fresh game. pcb doesn't fix the issue.


Any help is welcome! :)

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