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Human Torch


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I think this would work best as armor.

The player (or NPC's) wearing the armor are on fire, and they set everything they melee/unarmed attack on fire.

Naturally the armor could have a built in flamer, just for the feel of shooting flames from your hands.


I saw the script commands "hasFlame" and "addFlame" and tried them through console but didn't get an effect.


This would also be a pretty wicked enemy mod: "Burning man".

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Yep! Just like that!

I was thinking there could be variations on this theme.

If it were a perk, first you'd gain 100% resistance to fire, and set things alight while unarmed.

Second level would act as a flamer

And third would be a heavy incinerator.


First unarmed attacks = fire

Second Bullets = Fire

Third Bullets become fiery and explosive.


Could work as different suites of armor as well, collect them all. :thumbsup:


Also, "Hellhounds", enflamed fire breathing yao gui!


So this Skelton Lord is summonable?

Like a hot keyable, AID item that summons him to do battle like a mysterious stranger?

Or a perk where he shows up randomly to cause hell born destruction like the MS?

Or do you a throw a grenade type mystical summoning widget?


Does he do a wicked Glowing One style super nova fire attack?


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He's made possible by owning a evil version of my bible. My mod kings bible was criticized for being a bible and it kinda teed me off. So now the bile can be destroyed, and as a result the player is kinda cursed until 7 piles of ashes are recovered from all over the wasteland. Upon finishing the quest to relieve the curse the player must fight a demon. If the player can defeat the demon then he can pick up the bible again which is replaced with its counterpart an evil book. Possession of the book allows the player to summon/select "Skeleton Bliss" ,"Summon Skeleton Lord", "Skeleton King", "Summon Skeleton". Skeleton Bliss summons a constant supply of 6 melee wielding skeletons. Summon Skeleton summons as many skeleton minions as you want. Skeleton King sets the player king of skeletons and turns them into 1. Skeleton Lord summons a fire coverd skeleton npc. You can summon/un summon him at will and interact with him to change his inventory. Hes doesn't do any special attacks...... as of now.


Basically if you destroy the bible you must be a evil/bad person and after being punished/earning you get to run rampage on the waste with the help of skeletons. Sell, lose, or drop the book and all the extras go with it.


I'll get back on this mod once I finish up on some spiders. /// I'm still in the learning curve and man I'll tell you when I get started I end up making all kinds of work for myself, which sometimes take me a while to figure things out.

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