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Now im not sure if that ever has been asked or talked about but im really curious if you get bitten by a werewolf will you eventually turn into one ?if for example you leave the forest and do another quest.


The keeper of the forest reckons so but i have my doubts, hmm does anyone know ?

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No, none of your companions turn into werewolves. Besides if you look closely none of the werewolves bite you when you're fighting them. And I'm pretty sure normal wounds inflicted by them do the trick, I don't remember anything in the game mentioning that it needed to be a bite specifically.


Interesting question though, seems like a rather fun mod xD


At least if you choose not to save the werewolves from the curse... Werewolf Alistair. Hm.

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You can play as a werewolf as long as your shapeshifting talent is maxed. Your companions CAN NOT shapeshift to a werewolf, this mod is for the PC only. You can find Vals ShapeShifting Mods, here.


This is my PC as a werewolf:



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