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Mods won't show up in com[atibility

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hi i'm new here and i was wondering if anybody could help me with a oblivion mod problem? this is what happened. i have oblivion and started making mods and stuff but after a while the game stopped working and i had to make it run in compatibility mode. it worked just fine then. but now all the mods i made myself won't show up. if i have it run regulerly the mods show up but it when i try to load my saved games it says that the masterfil required for it to work was unalbe to load. can someone help?
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Make a folder in your documents and place all of the esp's you made inside of it. Reinstall Oblivion then install your own esp's from the folder. Hopefully this will fix your problems.
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Oblivion runs fine with all versions of Windows from XP up. No compatibility mode needed. However, Vista and Win7 can have problems with mods - including the ones you make yourself, due to UAC if you install in the default location. UAC doesn't like the construction set either.


A missing master can be an esm missing or loaded wrong or a mod in the wrong load order. The mod must be placed after the mod it modifies also.


Best fix, reinstall outside of the UAC protected program filed folders. Most people have been doing this by creating a new folder named C:\Games\Oblivion and reinstalling there.


For a complete uninstall/reinstall that allows preserving all saves, mods and settings

Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus


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Oblivion runs fine with all versions of Windows from XP up. No compatibility mode needed. However, Vista and Win7 can have problems with mods - including the ones you make yourself, due to UAC if you install in the default location. UAC doesn't like the construction set either.


A missing master can be an esm missing or loaded wrong or a mod in the wrong load order. The mod must be placed after the mod it modifies also.


Best fix, reinstall outside of the UAC protected program filed folders. Most people have been doing this by creating a new folder named C:\Games\Oblivion and reinstalling there.


For a complete uninstall/reinstall that allows preserving all saves, mods and settings

Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus


okay i installed it in another folder if it helps here is the layout d/media/games/oblivion i went to date files and my mod showed up fine. i went to play without compatibility mode on and it actuilly worked without any error messages. but when i tested it none of my mod apeared, i know this because due to having to constently work on it i decided to ad a giant tower south of castle cheydinhal, no big tower. please help.

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