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Thermal NV + ENB NV Issues


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Hi, I'm having some trouble getting the Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision (ARTNV) and Enhanced ENB Night Vision (EENB) to work. I have over 40-50 mods running and these are the first ones that I'm properly having trouble with.


Current mod list:



NV Script Extender

NV Stutter Remover
The Mod Configuration Menu
NV Realistic Wasteland Lighting (Brighter Nights)
NMC Texture Pack Large (Washed Out)
Interior Lighting Overhaul
EVE Essential Visual Enchancements
Improved loading screens
Fallout Character Overhaul
Wasteland Flora Overhaul - Dead Version
Weapons of New Millenia
Advanced Recon Thermal Nightvision
Advanced Recon Stealth Armor
Enhanced ENB Night Vision
NCR Rearmament (Lore friendly)
NV Strip Open
Electro City
Welcome to New Vegas Sniper
Populated casinos
DLC Weapon Intergration
Pip Boy Glove remover
Gun follows crosshairs in first person
Weapon Mod Menu
Minimalisitc crosshairs
NV Enhanced Camera (visible body)
Centered 3rd Person camera (crosshair above head)
Perk every level
Radio new vegas fix
Brotherhood House Alliance
Faster terminals
Larger pip boy light radius
Less serious Mr Serious Scopes
Pipboy clean screen
JIP Selective-Fire
Weapon animation replacers
Immersive Hud
Weapon Retexture project
NCR Rearmament Retexture
1st Recon Beret Retexture
Wasteland Clothing Retexture
Super Mutant Retexture
Deathclaw Retexture
Robots Retexture
Heavy Weapons Retexture
Feral Ghoul Retexture
Ranger Armor Retexture
Combat Armor Retexture
Legion Retexture
Book of steel retexture
Book of flesh retexture
Pipboy 3000 Retexture
ED-E Retexture
Tumbleweed Retexture
Mailbox Retexture
Sewer Cover Retexture
Dust storm retexture
T51B gloves retexture
LAER retexture
Gauss rife/YCS186 retexture
Cyberdogs retexture
Holorfile retexture
Authority glasses retexture


First of all the ARTNV won't properly install from NMM. NMM will copy and install the files over but it will then crash and next time I load up the NMM it will not be shown as installed. I think I have actually had the crashing issue with a couple of other mods but not really significant ones.


Also, when I installed the ARTNV in the NMM, I selected the option that will add the changes to Power Armor helmets and also Veteran Ranger helmets however that didn't change (tested with T51B helmet only). I am using aMidianBorn NV Book of Water Book of Steel to retexture the power armor however that is only a retexture so I don't think it should make a difference but I could be wrong. Also, the HUD icons for the ARTNV won't show up, not sure what is causing that...


EDIT: Ok I've had some luck, most of the issues are solved except for the ones above.


And also my NV looks nothing like this... Is there a different ENB or settings I could get to maybe make it look more like this?



Thanks for any help provided.

Edited by ZoSo94
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