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Some BEAST looking armor i would like..


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These armors are totaly beast and i think i lot of people would like to have them!!!! here are some pics!! There are 3 different sets of armor :D please someone make these they are so awesome!!!









I couldnt get the last pic to show up so i have to just put the link:



PLEASE i would really appreciate anyone who could make these armors or just wich ever ones you like^^ i like all of them I think plenty of people would use these^^( anyone who likes these armors ...There are mage armors that look cool and Archers...all kinds of cool armors if these get made i may request those:D)

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It would be cool if it happened, but the time it would take the most experienced modders, Jojjo, LHammonds, and Tda, even the longest of times...all the little details :wacko: . Too bad TDA doesn't mod, wherever did he disappear to?
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You do realize that's insanely complicated and difficult, right?

yeah i realize and its up to you guys if you want to do it i know you would get plenty of kudos and a whole heck of a lot of downloads people love there palidan characters and those look like perfect armors for them. It would be pure awesome to see these in game:D

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so this is what the villains in power rangers look like...

hahah yeah when his jigantic fist hits you in the face^^ nah JK i think it looks cool wich is why i requested it:D

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