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Havoked Flight


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Okay so I am new to modding, but based entirely on the mods I have seen and a bit of logic it seems that a fully havoked flight mod is possible. Most flight mods appear to move the character along axes like an object in the construction set or in 'decorating' mods. Instead of this why not make an appearance of flight by combining some clever scripts. I know that scripted spells that allow the player to jump higher and also float have been made so they are possible. What if these were combined into a scripted spell that also brought into being in the game world a solid object directly under the character's feet. In otherwords every time you pressed the flight key, a small patch of 'ground' would be created beneath your feet, you would jump off it, and then float. This could be hidden by a particle shading effect. Other tweaks could probably be made to give this the appearance of a fluttering kind of flight, but the key thing would be this 'jump pad' that would continually reappear so that you could gain elevation in a way other than simple axis movement.


All theory and possibly totally wrong, however, I decided to put it up just in case someone hadn't yet thought of this little work around.

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Okay so I am new to modding, but based entirely on the mods I have seen and a bit of logic it seems that a fully havoked flight mod is possible. Most flight mods appear to move the character along axes like an object in the construction set or in 'decorating' mods. Instead of this why not make an appearance of flight by combining some clever scripts. I know that scripted spells that allow the player to jump higher and also float have been made so they are possible. What if these were combined into a scripted spell that also brought into being in the game world a solid object directly under the character's feet. In otherwords every time you pressed the flight key, a small patch of 'ground' would be created beneath your feet, you would jump off it, and then float. This could be hidden by a particle shading effect. Other tweaks could probably be made to give this the appearance of a fluttering kind of flight, but the key thing would be this 'jump pad' that would continually reappear so that you could gain elevation in a way other than simple axis movement.


All theory and possibly totally wrong, however, I decided to put it up just in case someone hadn't yet thought of this little work around.



Thats exactly how the flying dragons/drakes work. An invisible meshe is moved under the drake and it "walks" along the meshe. The reason this can't be better done with animations is that there is no accumulation on the z axis. An animating meshe snaps back to the starting point at the end of the animation. Accumulation on the other two axis is allowed for walking etc. In the case of the drakes, they play a wing flapping anim as they walk/fly along. Banking isnt possible because some of the rotate commands effect the camera instead of the pc.


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