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Rampant CTDing :(

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Ive been doing the Waters of Life quest, and Im getting these annoying CTDs, especially when saving the game. The first time, I finished the quest and the game froze as I tried to enter the citadel. Then, I had to reload a save from before I fixed the fuses. I decided this time to save periodically in case the game crashes again. Guess what? When I try to save, bam! CTD! Now this is really starting to piss me off.


EDIT: More info! Saving the game seems to only cause a crash after the entering the cell showing the arrival of the Enclave, idk if that makes a difference.


EDIT2: I tried turning my mods off, and its still kicking me in the face with the CTD.


EDIT3: Tried a few more things, like disabling FOSE. Didnt work. Saving still crashes after I enter that wasteland (exterior) pipe zone to drain the intake pipes. If I have autosave enabled, it simply crashes as I enter the cell. Theres definitely some connection to that cell...Maybe Im gonna try the grenading self solution, or console clear cache...


EDIT4: Wow...committing suicide with frag grenades solved it...I was able to save in that cell and then save again after exiting without a crash.


Load order:



Active Mod Files:
00  fallout3.esm
01  anchorage.esm
02  thepitt.esm
03  brokensteel.esm
04  pointlookout.esm
05  zeta.esm
06  unofficial fallout 3 patch.esm  [Version 1.2.0]
**  Project Beauty.esm
07  mart's mutant mod.esm
08  rrcompanionvault.esm
09  rr5morefemales.esm
0A  nos' rr companions.esm
0B  rr vault 1 alternate guards.esm
0C  streetlights.esm
0D  crossmoddata.esm
0E  animy_prostitution.esm
0F  unofficial fallout 3 patch - operation anchorage.esp  [Version 1.2.0]
10  unofficial fallout 3 patch - the pitt.esp  [Version 1.2.0]
11  unofficial fallout 3 patch - broken steel.esp  [Version 1.2.0]
12  unofficial fallout 3 patch - point lookout.esp  [Version 1.2.0]
13  unofficial fallout 3 patch - mothership zeta.esp  [Version 1.2.0]
**  Project Beauty- Broken Steel.esp
**  Project Beauty- Point Lookout.esp
14  darnifieduif3.esp
15  streetlights - wasteland.esp
++  Fellout-pipboylight.esp
16  reloadammo.esp
17  rrwastelandposters.esp
++  RR Vanilla Companion Integration.esp
18  nos' vault 1 remodel.esp
19  fps grenade hotkey.esp
++  FPS Grenade Hotkey - Zeta addon.esp
1A  CrowdedCities_v2.esp
1B  Megaton Tweaks - Snipers Edition.esp
1C  asharasformalclothing.esp
1D  scout outfits.esp
1E  mart's mutant mod.esp
**  Mart's Mutant Mod - Project Beauty.esp
1F  mart's mutant mod - dlc anchorage.esp
20  mart's mutant mod - dlc the pitt.esp
21  mart's mutant mod - dlc broken steel.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp
22  mart's mutant mod - dlc zeta.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - No Corpse Flies.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - No Ghoul Raise.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - No Skeleton Decay.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Hunting & Looting.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Increased Spawns.esp
23  mart's mutant mod - natural selection.esp
++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Reduced Wasteland Spawns.esp
24  mart's mutant mod - zones respawn.esp
25  fellout-full.esp  [Version 1.1.18]
++  Fellout-BrokenSteel.esp
26  fellout-pointlookout.esp
27  fellout-zeta.esp
28  r18bodypack.esp
29  follower amata ultimate.esp
2A  jessicompanion.esp
2B  kelseycompanion.esp  [Version 2.0]
++  Containers Respawn.esp
++  EssentialFollowers+Caravans.esp
2C  carrying more.esp
2D  level rate.esp
2E  bashed patch, 0.esp



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I get similar problems the blowing yourself up fixes it to a degree I'm thinking it might be the animation and some mods conflicting do you have fo3edit if you do or don't try it let it run when its done it'll tell you if there's a problem and maybe try reorganizeing your load order other then that that's the advice I can give hope it helps
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I get similar problems the blowing yourself up fixes it to a degree I'm thinking it might be the animation and some mods conflicting do you have fo3edit if you do or don't try it let it run when its done it'll tell you if there's a problem and maybe try reorganizeing your load order other then that that's the advice I can give hope it helps


Killzone is pretty much right.


Download Fo3edit

Change the name of FO3edit to FO3MasterUpdate

Run it. As long as it finds no conflicts it will fix things up for you. Do this every time you instal a new mod. If it DOES conflict, you'll need to look at the list and what it caught on and reorganize your load order.

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Hmmm I had FO3Edit before but never knew about the master update feature. Based on what Ive read, setting all plugin files as masters fixes problems from using patch 1.5 and higher? Well, I hope it works, thanks!


Another thing, do I need to do master restore to convert back every time before I rebuild the bashed patch? (yes, its Wrye Bash ported to FO3)

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Hmmm I had FO3Edit before but never knew about the master update feature. Based on what Ive read, setting all plugin files as masters fixes problems from using patch 1.5 and higher? Well, I hope it works, thanks!


Another thing, do I need to do master restore to convert back every time before I rebuild the bashed patch? (yes, its Wrye Bash ported to FO3)


It does exactly that so you should be okay (the symptoms you described are what was happening to me before I started using it a long time ago). I've never done any sort of master restore.

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Creating your own merg patch wit FO3Edit should help you.Also i noticed that you have UF3P (Unofficial fallout 3 patch), try to not use mods that modify interior in vault 101 and near that place and if you have problems with save game near Rivet City and you have DLC Broken Stell download this.
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