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I was just starting to put mods on when i noticed something was wrong with the one i had. I tried fixing it my self and made it worse, So I figured why not just delete all my oblivion files and stuff and reinstall it, that should start me back off at normal oblivion, well i was wrong and when i reinstalled it still had that mod on it. I need to know how to put oblivion back to its basic set up with no mods like ti came from the box. Please help me.
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Just delete the meshes and textures in your data folder along with any esp's or esm's that are not labelled Oblivion.esm ,start with "DLC" or the Knights.esp.Also delete any bsa's that are not labeled beginning with Oblivion,"DLC" and Knights.EDIT Remember to delete a file in the same folder as your Saved Games call Oblivion.ini
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This puts you back to an unmodded state without reinstalling

Bben's Oblivion Revert to Vanilla game



If you do need to reinstall - as you found out, the game uninstall doesn't really uninstall everything - This does.

Here is a link to my complete uninstall/reinstall procedure located in the articles section of the Nexus


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