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m i r c type chatroom


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Any chance you fine moderators of Nexus could make a proper chat room where users can actually talk on the channel similar to what M.I.R.C has ?



It would greatly benefit NEXUS with extra members i bet as well as speeding the process of looking for certain mods/files.

One would simply ask on the channel and save him/her self posting, waiting and so on.


Not only that but it would be a great way for people to make new friends that have similar tastes in hobbies and games.


What do you guys think of that ?

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I agree that the chat needs a change, but I think Xat would be the best, Xat doesnt require you to be registered to use the chat, and it also gives powers to people, the one who makes the Chat becomes the main owner that can make others Owners, Moderators and members and also bann and kick, Xat chatrooms can have tabs, you can make them for members only, for registered users only, put music on them and tons of other stuff.
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Xat doesnt require you to be registered to use the chat, and it also gives powers to people, the one who makes the Chat becomes the main owner that can make others Owners, Moderators and members and also bann and kick, Xat chatrooms can have tabs, you can make them for members only, for registered users only, put music on them and tons of other stuff.


U can do this with IRC as well.

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