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assasssin mod request


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i don't know why when i request a mod that has to be made no one responds so please respond


i am looking for a good armor and weapons for an assassin character

the armor in my mind is like combining assassin's creed 3 and thief 2014 together (but if you have any better suggestions feel free to change)

and is there any mods that lets you wear hoods down?i am tired of the hood magically appearing and stuck to the head and you cant even see the characters hair unlike the loading screen.

so someone make an option or hotkey so they can toggle to wear their hoods up or down.

and about weapons i need sword dagger bow and knife(knife is just a different dagger)

and i don't have any dlcs.

and please respond.

ill be glad if you help me and if you got a better idea ill be happy to use your ideas.


Edited by spiderthing03
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I can tell you some possible reasons why you don't get responses. Usually it's because a request isn't interesting enough, which is usually the case with new members making their first requests (don't mean to sound like a veteran here, I'm not). Also, not making an effort writing the requests also helps in not getting responses, you write entirely in lower case, and don't describe what you're after in enough detail. So that's a few ideas.


Now for what you're after, you might want to try the Regal Huntsman and Regal Assassin armors, both by DreamBurrow. The Huntsman is basically an AC armor with a few unique features by the desginer, and the Assassin has a great Middle-Eastern look to it. Both are great.

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I know but I can't download that much this is why I requested the mod.
And if it isn't interesting just guide me to stealth weapons and armor but I can't download too much

and regal huntsman requires dlcs and i don't have any

Edited by spiderthing03
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