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What Do you like in a mod?


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with the nudity thing im at a mature stage when i can look at things and think

this is supposed to be naked




why the *ban me* do they have model bodys?



bethseda wanted the game kid friendly so


minotaurs decided they should grow extra hair around the genitals

the torso of the sprigans look more like trees than the rest of the body

spider daedra have changed their bodys so it apears they are wearing cloths


now if these creatures where real, would you imagine them doing this?



but then some mods take it to far

one mod makes it so spriggans are completely nude women with messed up fingernails and wear chains of plants on them

sexualised monsters- someone gave the guys in the asylums a ton of lsd

pretty much 50% of all armour mods

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  • 2 months later...
Haven't found ANY yet, but I like mods with armor and clothing that would actually provide protection if someone stabbed you anywhere from the neck down. I don't mind fitted stuff, in fact I preferr my females to look female, but I just won't stand for immodest clothes and armor. If anyone has any clue where I can find something that is modest but looks great please tell me.
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I like mods that expand, and liven up the worlds you know.

Better Cities, Crowded Roads, Unique Landscapes, Waalx Animals & Creatures, etc.

Things that play upon lore, like Realswords, Bosmer Meat Mandate, etc.

Oh, and anything that adds to the Shivering Isles.

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