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going to jail or resisting arrest like oblivion


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In my opinion being able to go to jail or resisting arrest in oblivion and being able to break out of jail was a really a cool feature it really breaks the immersion in fallout 3 without this. Is there really no law inforcement in the wasteland? It would really be easy to implement in rivet city because of the ''police'' wich see that that a minor offense is death so instead of having to leave the city you could pay caps or go to go to a jail area and of course be able to break out.


could someone please make a mod like this give me a link where i can find one

because i have been looking for a mod like this for a while.

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Is there really no law enforcement in the wasteland?

Yes. "The capital wasteland lacks an institutional system of government. If you wrong someone, be prepared to pay with your life!" - Loadscreen.


There's the regulators but they're a bunch of jumped-up bounty hunters who haven't realised trenchcoats are not as good as combat armour.

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yeah i would quite like this, i absolutly hate potomac attire so i always kill him (forgot the dudes name ^^) but i am a good karma player, but no matter what i do in any city, they try to kill me, mabye a new place for all of the settlements what is basicly like the BoS armory just to keep you in, they take your stuff and give you a new orange jumpsuit. you can either kill everyone while you have the chance, bail yourself out, do your time, or use a few bobby pins what are lying around on the floor to pick the lock resulting in bad karma.(i talk to much :])

EDIT: there are also a few little law enforcements in rivet city, tempenny, megaton, pentagon, fort constantine and RoD

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yeah i would quite like this, i absolutly hate potomac attire so i always kill him (forgot the dudes name ^^) but i am a good karma player, but no matter what i do in any city, they try to kill me, mabye a new place for all of the settlements what is basicly like the BoS armory just to keep you in, they take your stuff and give you a new orange jumpsuit. you can either kill everyone while you have the chance, bail yourself out, do your time, or use a few bobby pins what are lying around on the floor to pick the lock resulting in bad karma.(i talk to much :])

EDIT: there are also a few little law enforcements in rivet city, tempenny, megaton, pentagon, fort constantine and RoD




You can make one! I actually did this before, its incredible fun. Use RTS to create an outdoor prison city and then top it off by using http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9497 for prisoner control. Set myself up as the warden, had Arkansas, Tenpenny, Eulogy Jones and that hockey gang there, to name a few.


Death would have been easier on them then I was.

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