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cant install any mods after reinstall of game

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They're not going to overwrite anything if there's nothing to overwrite. On a new install there will be nothing to overwrite, which is as it should be.

As you long as you apply some form of archive invalidation there is no problem.


since theres nothing to overwrite, its impossible change any textures and meshes. i drop textures and meshes into the data folder, but nothing in the game changes because i doesnt overwrite the corresponding things in the FO3 texture/mesh folder

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Archive Invalidation means the game will use what you have in your meshes/textures/etc folders instead of what's in the BSA. Are you using ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated or toggled the invalidation button in FOMM?


i had Archive Invalidation Invalidated back before i had to reinstall, but i dont remember how to use it at all anymore : /

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