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Can i delete this file?

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Hi everyone. I have some mods that have a folder named textures but in the original folder i also have one with the same name that only has one file thats called 'terrainnoise.dds'. I tried copying the files that were in the mod texture folder into my original folder but the mod didnt work and im not sure if it was because of that. My system is windows vista, im using the obse loader (latest version), and i tried installing the akatosh mount mod and the wz_inventory_fixed. If the mods dont work because of the file should i replace it, or if thats not the problem please give me a solution. I would be really thankful if anyone could help me.
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You want to merge the two folders together. Are you using 7-zip,J-zip, or Winrar to open your downloaded mods? These tools allow you to choose where to install your files and esp's,esm's with a few mouse clicks.Manually installing a mod is an easy way to make simple mistakes that cause purple items and yellow missing mesh signs.
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