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Why do people try to upload viruses here and


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Our world thrives on strange people :P


And let me emphasize that I DO NOT upload viruses or whatever. Just like playing the devils advocate.





That was clear and you explained it well.


I also thought it was clear from my post that I was not referring to anything or anyone specific as Surenas claims.

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A lot of dutch people here huh :P


Translation for the non-dutch readers;

"No, you don't understand what I'm trying to say"


Sorry, felt I had to translate that :P lol


Ik sprek Nederlands, maar ik ben niet van het land.


Still, I think she genuinely misunderstood what I wanted to say...I was/am not trying to cause panic.

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No offence to anyone, but I personally don't see how this could cause a panic.. could just be me though.


And yeah Stardusk, I kind of had a hunch about that... the english part of your text is quite clear and neatly spelled.... :P in contrary to the dutch ;) lol


Kind of wondering why you'd throw it in though... But that's more offtopic :P


More ontopic, let's face it. Even windows is one huge virus, basically. It's kind of the way things work, I suppose. Like taxes. Nobody likes it, but we all have to take a bite :D

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No offence to anyone, but I personally don't see how this could cause a panic.. could just be me though.


And yeah Stardusk, I kind of had a hunch about that... the english part of your text is quite clear and neatly spelled.... :P in contrary to the dutch ;) lol


Kind of wondering why you'd throw it in though... But that's more offtopic :P


More ontopic, let's face it. Even windows is one huge virus, basically. It's kind of the way things work, I suppose. Like taxes. Nobody likes it, but we all have to take a bite :D


I have no idea. When I encounter Dutch people, I speak Dutch to them, French to French, German to German...old habit. Then I reminded myself that English is the language of choice here.


It's also part of our dependence on technology. Let's face it, it often just as much a handicapp as it is an advantage...(though being a tech-idiot myself, I might be MORE inclined to believe that if only because I am so bad at computer stuff...my parents' fault really...).

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Stardusk, you make a strong point. Some people would probably literally die together with their computer. I actually know one of them.


And kudos for your linguistic skills. You must be european ;) lol


Though playing with it alot myself, and usefull sides of technology as medical advancement, I think the world would be better off without technology. In the long haul, that is.

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Stardusk, you make a strong point. Some people would probably literally die together with their computer. I actually know one of them.


And kudos for your linguistic skills. You must be european ;) lol


Though playing with it alot myself, and usefull sides of technology as medical advancement, I think the world would be better off without technology. In the long haul, that is.


I am half European...the other half is American...I move between the two continents frequently.


For me, who did not grow up with it, in part because my parents always rejected technology, I have had to really struggle with basic stuff. When I was doing my 2nd MA I had to learn this language called LateX (which apparently is super easy but I often struggled with it)...and now I want to learn the DA toolset but I know I likely will not get it.


Everything brings with it net losses and benefits; when the written word, more specifically the printed word revolutionised Europe in the 15th century one of the net consequences was a loss in the memory (of sorts) as most literature up until that point was passed on through oral tradition. With the printed word, such a tradition became less and less important. These days, writing skills as a whole have dropped due to mass usage of computers which inevitably bring with them the philosophy of snelheid...less value in finely crafted words and more in just getting your point across...I am rambling now. Forgive me...

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Nee, jij begijpt niet, wat ik zegen will.

Acties zijn onbegrijpbaar, wellicht alleen te verklaren. (I couldn't resist ;).)


There could be various reasons, like ub3rman told, just causing havoc. The reasons can be numerous however, either these people are jealous or have a grudge at mod creators/the site/else, they could simply enjoy ruining PCs, they could have financial aim....many reasons. The thing is that they stop eventually and we're quite lucky that most things uploaded in archives and normally don't consist of any executables (.exe). Just be watchful and ignore these people, the less time you spend on this people the earlier they give up. Anyone spotting these files should report it immediately as there are always those that are unknowing and it's unfair to leave them to that fate. And please....don't 'test' these files for malicious things or prove you've got a nice scanner spotting it's wrong after opening it, don't risk losing your pc. Unless it's a known modder you should never open executables originated from this site anyway.

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You once again make a strong point... but of all things I'd eliminate of this world IF I had the power, books would not be among them. Rather everything from firearms to computers, cars to planes, cellphones to satelites....


Imagine a world where we could still be nice to eachother in real life, not get addicted and sick from everything, where not everything has to be made of concrete and steel.... :l


But now I'm just rambling ;)

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