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Do you young people (defined as being born 1988-Present) have inherent


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the ability to learn is tied heavily to age and hence the recession of the brain and body,

until youre 6 month old your brain still produces brain cells, after that they only die, you dont get new ones, however in the first few month you basicly have a multitude of braincells but basicly no connections to make sense of the things, your environment, actions you see, witness, live through, those experiences then produce the necessary connections between brain cells, patterns are being developed which speed up thinking and descicion finding

once these patterns are developed it becomes really hard to change them* and this is the very reason why younger folks learn faster and in a more complex way than older ones who need the info they want to learn to be presented in patterns according to their brain


*you can however still form new patterns ;)


this does not mean younger folks are better suited for thinking tasks than older folks as they still miss the patterns and connections created over the years and through experience which are vital to make proper descicions, which is what is needed in a job and in life in general


working btw does not mean you only repeat learned patterns, most jobs require you to learn new stuff all through your life to keep up with the market, there are jobs which only require one ability like sorting stuff on an assembly line, but most jobs change over time and hence need adjustement


i also think the time to say "oh gosh, the kids are all growing up with computers now, i didnt and now they know much more than me" is over, i was in that "new kid with pc skill" generation, those born after 88 are simply the next wave,

people who are less into understanding how computers work since they never saw DOS or stuff, they know how to use graphic interfaces better maybe, many are also more console oriented and less pc ;)

since the interfaces became easier and easier every year i actually think people who still saw DOS and the like are more understanding of what they actually do with these mashines, similiar to mac users vs pc users, or automatic car drivers vs manual shifting, the easier a task is the less you learn by performing it...

just compare the GECk to the duke3d editor lol, guess which taught me more ;), the user friendly geck or the notorious duke editor? of course i learned much more with the duke editor in many terms, like english language, scripting, pc commands, how game engines work etc, in the geck i basicly do what i do in windows, drag and drop stuff...

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once you pass a certain age things become more...difficult. Computer related stuff would be counted among those more difficult things....


Being 54, building computers (low noise gaming pc) I still don´t find anything...difficult..Like you young people I was not born with it, I saw it comming. Perhaps that gave me a greater interest, perhaps I saw something more, and not just an everyday tool like it is today.

And yes I too agree with Vag, it depends on your interest and your time whether you become a good modder.


Edit : btw I made a lot of mods, and scriptet quests for Oblivion, but only shared them with my friends. Never uploaded them. That was just a small hobby I had some years ago.

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