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Missing the Point


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Its a pet peeve and I think discussion worthy.


There are so many barbie doll cloths mods out there. Outfits that are lore breaking... weird things that stand out like a sore thumb. I can understand resources like the Warhammer 40k stuff (though I don't like it myself) that aim to make the game into something entirely different. But to those who use them, and I don't want to point fingers at any one mod but you know the ones... why do you do it? What does it possibly do to enhance your fallout experience to by your very presence in the game shatter the atmosphere of the wasteland? To stick out like a sore thumb as if you got teleported to the Capital Wasteland from some gothic tea party or a leather and lace sex session? To pop out of a Final Fantasy game and appear among the scavengers and survivalists.


I see screencaps day in and day out of people using these outfits but I can't help but think there are hordes and hordes of people out there who are just missing the point of post apocalyptia. I wonder if they just want to stare at something obnoxiously pretty or if its honestly a mental escape from the dismal and harsh concept of a post apocalyptic world.


I guess in the end I'm just reaching for an answer. I have been watching movies like Mad Max and A Boy and his Dog along with every other movie in this genre I could get my hands on since I was a boy myself. The answer I guess I'm looking for is that if you have no real want to submerse yourself in the post apocalyptic experience... why do you as a player play this game?

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Guess the reason is simple - folks that have no own real, esp no own real sexual experiences (or not enough) try to live out their fantasies virtually. This would happen in any game that offers a chance for it, independent of the given lore or storyline. These things actually play no role at all herein, it could be thus Super Mario as well. Keep in mind that esp. image makers heavily depend on feedback, and that's already the only workable mechanism lore-friendly people have to defend their game successfully. You see, nobody is forced to endorse or comment stuff he really doesn't like, by means of whatever.



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I believe the there's around here a poll about body replacements, but I was thinking of this myself.


I accept, thus not use, mods that are lore breaking, and always wondered what this people think, or try to achieve.

the thing is, that a special kind of person is needed to enjoy the wasteland experience: the atmosphere, the tone, the sounds, and the most important, the solitude. many guys here feel fallout universe for the first time, and I think fallout 3 isn't the best example. Many see this game as an FPS (many of my fellow gamers fall in this error) and as such, they achieve only a shallow experience.


Maybe I miss the point.


As for the sexual argument, I have seen worst in oblivion.

I remember a time venturing into the Oblivion plane with nothing more that a nipplechain and a sword....



I've said worst, I meaned that I've seen more radical mods on the theme.

Edited by CorrodedSoul
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  On 6/5/2010 at 4:26 PM, CorrodedSoul said:

I believe the there's around here a poll about body replacements, but I was thinking of this myself.


I accept, thus not use, mods that are lore breaking, and always wondered what this people think, or try to achieve.

the thing is, that a special kind of person is needed to enjoy the wasteland experience: the atmosphere, the tone, the sounds, and the most important, the solitude. many guys here feel fallout universe for the first time, and I think fallout 3 isn't the best example. Many see this game as an FPS (many of my fellow gamers fall in this error) and as such, they achieve only a shallow experience.


Maybe I miss the point.


As for the sexual argument, I have seen worst in oblivion.

I remember a time venturing into the Oblivion plane with nothing more that a nipplechain and a sword....



I've said worst, I meaned that I've seen more radical mods on the theme.


Yesterday when I was talking about this to the girlfriend I pretty much hit the imageshare and pulled a few caps up. Her immediate response was 'It's people living out their sexual fantasies and fetishes.' I suppose thats part of it. But you might be right on this, most gamers just take the game at face value, not even really heeding the setting. Its the wrong crowd.


I was once really into Nine Inch Nails. Read an interview with Trent when he was talking about going from obscurity to his success with the Downward Spiral and 'Closer'. He said he started seeing the college crowd and the jocks in the crowd and a part of him just wanted to scream out that 'This isn't for you!' I suppose in a way thats how I feel about Fallout.

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I agree with you, Neverclock. I can't see why anyone would want to play their games wearing a single thread across the nipples. I thought that was a ridiculous gimmick used by [insert game company here] to attract kids and teenagers (see; WoW, My Legendary Plate armor barely covers my nipple, +10000 Damage Res to me!) My theory is that they only put those on for when they screencap it as if to somehow gain the ultimate of attention when posting the screenshot here. I don't see any other reason to wear it. I'd absolutely love to see one of them have their friend wanting to play the game on their computer. Imagine the awkwardness that would spark. Or better yet, that its me who wants to play this game on a friends computer and see he got nude mods left and right. I'd give him a real stink eye and blackmail him for that for the rest of his life. That'd be great...


Same with play-as-kids mods, have-kids-as-companions mods, armor-from-different-games mods and body replacers (they say its for realistic purposes but they fool no-one!). Ugh.


Why are so many people playing with Ghosts outfit these days? He was such a legendary character only because of that *makes bro voice*totally sweet looking balaclava with skull on that everyone just had to rip his outfit to use on their character. What for? So your character looks like another character from a different game? Why? Again, my only theory is that they think they get the ultimate of attention somehow by uploading the screenshots here.


Afterall, we're all appreciation junkies.


(*Thinks to self* Lets see... I'm not pointing fingers, not accusing anyone of anything, not holding anyone above the flames.... I should be fine!)

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  On 6/5/2010 at 10:06 PM, Johssy said:

I agree with you, Neverclock. I can't see why anyone would want to play their games wearing a single thread across the nipples. I thought that was a ridiculous gimmick used by [insert game company here] to attract kids and teenagers (see; WoW, My Legendary Plate armor barely covers my nipple, +10000 Damage Res to me!) My theory is that they only put those on for when they screencap it as if to somehow gain the ultimate of attention when posting the screenshot here. I don't see any other reason to wear it. I'd absolutely love to see one of them have their friend wanting to play the game on their computer. Imagine the awkwardness that would spark. Or better yet, that its me who wants to play this game on a friends computer and see he got nude mods left and right. I'd give him a real stink eye and blackmail him for that for the rest of his life. That'd be great...


Same with play-as-kids mods, have-kids-as-companions mods, armor-from-different-games mods and body replacers (they say its for realistic purposes but they fool no-one!). Ugh.


Why are so many people playing with Ghosts outfit these days? He was such a legendary character only because of that *makes bro voice*totally sweet looking balaclava with skull on that everyone just had to rip his outfit to use on their character. What for? So your character looks like another character from a different game? Why? Again, my only theory is that they think they get the ultimate of attention somehow by uploading the screenshots here.


Afterall, we're all appreciation junkies.


(*Thinks to self* Lets see... I'm not pointing fingers, not accusing anyone of anything, not holding anyone above the flames.... I should be fine!)


Well to be honest I use a body replacer. I might be one of the few who can say that it is for purely cosmetic reasons. I really do find the vanilla body really lacking in both the males and females, and if you take a look at the few screenshots I have up of my character Appleby... its hard to deny that the Cali body gives a more trim look. Naked people aren't a big deal to me, I have the blessing or curse of being a professional photographer (and not your usual hack that claims such things). Unfortunately, I know for a fact that out of all those people who downloaded a replacer the majority didn't do it for the texture/proportion. I'm willing to bet even less of them downloaded a male body replacer after saying 'The underwear just doesn't make any sense in the wasteland'. When asked why, the usual response is 'I don't want to look at naked guys'.


Things like that skull balaclava and armors that are more the property of a 2000's FPS at least aren't a glaring problem. But god damn if I see another micro swimsuit or a mini skirt that is pretty much a belt I might just kill everyone in Girdershade.. all two of them.

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Well to be honest I use a body replacer. I might be one of the few who can say that it is for purely cosmetic reasons. I really do find the vanilla body really lacking in both the males and females, and if you take a look at the few screenshots I have up of my character Appleby... its hard to deny that the Cali body gives a more trim look. Naked people aren't a big deal to me, I have the blessing or curse of being a professional photographer (and not your usual hack that claims such things). Unfortunately, I know for a fact that out of all those people who downloaded a replacer the majority didn't do it for the texture/proportion. I'm willing to bet even less of them downloaded a male body replacer after saying 'The underwear just doesn't make any sense in the wasteland'. When asked why, the usual response is 'I don't want to look at naked guys'.


Things like that skull balaclava and armors that are more the property of a 2000's FPS at least aren't a glaring problem. But god damn if I see another micro swimsuit or a mini skirt that is pretty much a belt I might just kill everyone in Girdershade.. all two of them.

The vanilla female body has no toes! And the shoulders are almost exactly the same as the male body! It irked me so I got the type 3, and the smaller hands patch. I don't doubt many people do just get them for the visual pr0n. I guess I'm one of the people who appreciates the wasteland setting, chosing only dogmeat as a companion and adding weapons that fit the lore. The only revealing outfit in my game is for clover, who's practically eulogy's sex slave and so needs one.

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It is a fantasy game. Not everyone has the same fantasy. It has been said a thousand times on these forums. If it doesn't appeal to you - move on.


I'm closing this thread, not because of any comments, but because my experience says it will become troll bait.


The subject has been beat to death in both the FO3 and especially Oblivion forums. Do a search and you will find at least 20 topics on this already, and nearly every one resulted in either someone getting banned or strikes for going overboard trying to push their opinion or beat down someone elses opinion.


Discussing the technical aspects of various bodies is fine. Rants on 'unrealistic' clothing in a fantasy game is absurd.


Topic closed, no penalties for anyone.

bben46, Moderator

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