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Mod Collaberation.


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I am primarily a writer but desire to create a new and interesting MOD, I have only just recently downloaded GECK and started to slowly learn the ins and outs. Really I guess i need help with everything, so anyone interested in helping make a new mod with characters, quests, a REAL story and perhaps more projects in the future. Please respond to my post.


I have been working on the premis of this MOD for a few days and know the general plot, charcters and quests. Considering adding some Perks to go alongside it and also some interesting NPC follower options.


I do not wis to give away too much detail for now, in case nobody is interested, but it is a premis inspired by the original fallout games. anyone who desires to know more can feel free to ask, but untill there is some interest and curiosity, there is not point divuldging much.

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