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scripting assistance


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Try this:

ref	rCont
ref	rItem

begin OnAdd

	set rCont to GetContainer
	set rItem to GetBaseObject


begin GameMode

	if rCont == 0
	elseif rCont.GetEquipped rItem == 0
	elseif rCont.GetHealthPercentage < 0.7
		set rCont to 0

GetSelf will not return a valid value when called by an inventory reference; GetEquipped expects a base object, and will otherwise break the script.
Only use NVSE notation (let X :=, instead of set X to) with expressions referencing array/string variables - it needlessly adds another level of processing, and is therefore slower.
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It's up to opinion, but personally I would suggest always using let rather than set except in obscure contexts when set works better. The difference in performance is negligible, and let allows much more powerful expressions with the added bonus that if it fails, it prints an error to the console naming the guilty script, rather than just silently boning it.

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