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Please help, oblivion is very choppy no matter what setting!


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ok, so please help me here, I have posted this about a week ago but I only got one response which wasn't a response to fix it...


I am not sure whether this is a bad mod, or if its just a fix I need to do with oblivion to get it to *ban* work right... I dont know what is wrong, and no matter what setting I have it on It does this. My computer is a beast and should handle anything on top graphics (though not sure about crysis and having thousands of barrels explode in front of me) It is an alienware M15x, and I will list the specs here:



Windows 7 (64 bit)

Intel® Core™ i7 cpu (quad core) @1.60 GHz (2.80 GHz turbo)


500 GB Hard Drive



Also, here are a list of my mods, I dont have one of them installed just yet, but will soon (I include it in there and state which one) It's a total of 64 mods, 60 being actual mods. (included things like OBSE, OBMM, etc.)


300 akaviri stronghold

akatosh mount

alive waters

all natural

alternative start

animated window lighting system (dont think I have installed yet)

assassins tripwires

at home alchemy

bag of holding

beaming sunglare

beautiful people (also, everyone in my oblivion game except me has no eyes, and I think this is why, if someone can do a quick fix for me on this that would be great)

better letters

black heart

black market

book of werewolves

capes and cloaks

dantes scythe

dark brotherhood chapel-memorial

dark brotherhood elite armor

dark club

demon race (Chingari's & Ismelda's)

HG eye candy female body replacer

fenrir the wolf

flaming arrows

Glanvar Castle

Grim reaper mod

Hashshashin Armor

Invisibility robe

key chain

let there be darkness

living economy

lockpick mold

lusty argonian maid continued

male body replacer

map marker overhaul

midas magic

mountain tower

mystery of mausoleum

natural environments

necromancers guild

nexon armory

niapets wolf AI mod

nicos dreadweave

nif script (not really a mod, but hell)

night shade armor

oblivion wine overhaul

obmm (again, not really a mod)

OBSE V0018 (once again, not really a mod)

pats business mod

persuasion overhaul

populated prisons

rens beauty pack

return of shadows

QQuix Rock, rock, rock, your boat

servant of the dawn

side s backpacks

thieves arsenal odd jobs

topal island

tyrael armor

underworld armor

unique land compilation

werewolves the curse of hircine

wolf diversity

zumbs lock picking mod


Most of these I am pretty sure work perfectly fine, and I used compatibility files for those that dont work with each other (of course unless I missed one, but I am almost absolutely sure I didnt)


Anyways, thanks to anyone that can help me,




-Wolf (Fenrir)

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Never Underestimate the power high-end texture mods have on your computer. That comes from someone who has a computer which can run Crysis on maximum settings but can't even handle Tamriel Viewable when Distant. Just install streamline, try it out. See if it makes any difference, and if it does, you know you've gone over the top a bit (don't we all :P). And anyway, its not like its going to hurt the look of your game, it makes no difference to the graphics.


As for your problem with Beautiful people, try creating an OMOD using the archive file and OBMM. I am not sure if it comes with omod conversion data since I don't use BP. To me it just looks too difficult to install.

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Use BOSS, better oblivion sorting software, for correctly setting up your load order. A bad load order can definitely hose your experience and cause all kinds of problems.
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Lag and choppiness are the nature of the beast. That is how Oblivion is. The effective solutions are painful:

(1) Buy a faster computer.

(2) Don't play mods.

(3) Turn all your graphics settings down.


But those are painful, so you might want to try a bunch of less-effective things first. You might try pinpointing the mods that hurt you worst. Try removing things that beautify the landscape, beautify actors, and add additional actors, animations, and scripts to crowded areas.

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try resetting your Oblivion.ini - the one in the C:\users\user name\my documents\my games\oblivion folder - not the one in the main Oblivion folder. Rename it to something like oldOblivionini.old. Then start the game and see what it tries to set your graphics to. If it sets to low, try again. Hopefully after a few attempts you will get a medium or high. This seemed to help several people with very good machines and poor performance.
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