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Karma Edit Request: Nothing to Do With Lore... FYI


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Hi, I'm semi-new to the site... Just FYI to yall. Well, I can't mod to save my life... I've been practicing, but suck, so I have a request:


Is it possible to mod the karma gaining dealy-o to like... Grow horns if you're evil or get a halo for being good, like in the Fable games? This is not any way related to the lore of the game, so don't be lame about my request, as I've warned you...


So, is it a possibility to mod the game for horns to start growing when gaining evil Karma, and a halo to start appearing for gaining good karma?


PS: I have looked around to see if it has been requested/made already, but I have not seen anything about it, so if I'm wrong and it's already been requested/made, forgive me and tell me about it... Maybe link it. Thanks! OUT!

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