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Injury animations (like in Fallout)


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Ok, so i've hunted high and low and not found a mod that adds limb injury and animations for Skyrim. There's a few mods that add extra damage and stat reductions for limb hits, but that gets old pretty fast - I want convincing injury animations as in Fallout.

So here's a few points up for discussion for anyone who loved it in Fallout:


1) NO VATS - i'm not concerned about being able to target enemy limbs: just that in the frantic hack and slash of combat my limbs and theirs get hit and potentially crippled. And anyway, i'm sure it would be too difficult/not worth it to get VATS into SKyrim.


2) Some animations already exist -

a) Both legs crippled: there's the 'NPC almost dead' dragging yourself along the floor animation.

b) One leg: Fallout had a limping along animation (can Fallout animations be imported to SKyrim?).

c) Arm crippled badly: no animation required - arm just hangs limp (no using two handed weapon or shield/weapon/spell in that hand)

d) Arm crippled slightly: slow attack/block animation (is this possible?)

e) head crippled: I can't think of anything other than blurred vision, occasional random stagger or even ragdoll.

f) Body crippled: no animation required - stat effects only.


3) How are these cripple effects healed? That's a key question. I'd say add a restoration spell called 'heal limb' and allow treatment dialogue at alchemists shops. They could also heal over time.


4) Non-NPC's (creatures like bears and wolves) i suppose wouldn't have animations, but still suffer effects


5) This mod could also incorporate old favourites like double damage on headshots, stamina damage on body shots etc seen in existing mods. But the focus would be on animations.


I'm interested in teaming up with someone who's interested in making this happen - I have basic experience working on skeletons & animating.

Edited by josan12
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