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Mod Manager Blues


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Normally I consider myself a decent enough Modder, not afraid to go off into the dark corners of the web looking for what I need, or spend a few hours broswing around. But by no means am I an expert whose spent the time to learn all the mechanics of coding.


However, I just installed Oblivion (GOTY edition for specs sake) after a two and a half year stint of not playing. Knowing that I was going to be modding, I went looking for of course my old standby OBMM.


Did Timeslip take down his site and his mod from every site possible on the web? I found a dead end looking for his site: http://timeslip.chorrol.com


I found a few random versions of the program on the web, none of which looked legit, I finally found 1.1.8 src. Knowing this was source I was kinda depressed when I saw there wasn't any .exe's I could run. all I found were CS files with .csproj and .sln.


So I gave in and started looking for Wrye Bash, didn't look as hard as I did for OBMM, but the same 404 issue with not finding the file on the mod portion of the site was depressing.


There's no way Bethesda waved their hands and suddenly the mod managers are gone,


where am I not looking to find these files?

Are these programs still being supported? (they have to be, there's mods out!)

Are there any alternatives if either one of these programs are unavailiable?

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