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Items Request: Final Fantasy VII (7) Weapons and etc!!!


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Okay, before you say anything: I know that there are a couple Buster Sword mods. What I was wondering is if somebody could perhaps create Buster Sword where it's wrapped in cloth like in Kingdom Hearts, where Cloud comes in... You know? If you don't know, go to google images and look up Cloud Strife; you'll see what I mean on the first page...


Also, what about Vincent's weapons? That's be pretty rad. Here's the list of FF7 mods I think should be made (I'd make 'em myself, but IDK how to mod lol):


Wrapped up Buster Sword,

Ultima Weapon (Cloud's final weapon)

Butterfly Edge (Another of Cloud's Swords)

Cloud's clothes (From FF7 or/and from Kingdom Hearts- KH costume INCLUDING the wing)

Cloud's hair (xD)

Vincent's clothes

Barret's Gun Arm (?Possible? I saw the armcannon Samus Aran kinda dealio, so it might be possible)

Tifa's gloves (It's just be kinda kewl I guess... Lol)

Yuffie's weapons?


Anyways, keep me posted if you know anything or make them or whatever lol... Thanks!

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Okay, before you say anything: I know that there are a couple Buster Sword mods. What I was wondering is if somebody could perhaps create Buster Sword where it's wrapped in cloth like in Kingdom Hearts, where Cloud comes in... You know? If you don't know, go to google images and look up Cloud Strife; you'll see what I mean on the first page...


Also, what about Vincent's weapons? That's be pretty rad. Here's the list of FF7 mods I think should be made (I'd make 'em myself, but IDK how to mod lol):


Wrapped up Buster Sword,

Ultima Weapon (Cloud's final weapon)

Butterfly Edge (Another of Cloud's Swords)

Cloud's clothes (From FF7 or/and from Kingdom Hearts- KH costume INCLUDING the wing)

Cloud's hair (xD)

Vincent's clothes

Barret's Gun Arm (?Possible? I saw the armcannon Samus Aran kinda dealio, so it might be possible)

Tifa's gloves (It's just be kinda kewl I guess... Lol)

Yuffie's weapons?


Anyways, keep me posted if you know anything or make them or whatever lol... Thanks!


Why would you possibly want this?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay, before you say anything: I know that there are a couple Buster Sword mods. What I was wondering is if somebody could perhaps create Buster Sword where it's wrapped in cloth like in Kingdom Hearts, where Cloud comes in... You know? If you don't know, go to google images and look up Cloud Strife; you'll see what I mean on the first page...


Also, what about Vincent's weapons? That's be pretty rad. Here's the list of FF7 mods I think should be made (I'd make 'em myself, but IDK how to mod lol):


Wrapped up Buster Sword,

Ultima Weapon (Cloud's final weapon)

Butterfly Edge (Another of Cloud's Swords)

Cloud's clothes (From FF7 or/and from Kingdom Hearts- KH costume INCLUDING the wing)

Cloud's hair (xD)

Vincent's clothes

Barret's Gun Arm (?Possible? I saw the armcannon Samus Aran kinda dealio, so it might be possible)

Tifa's gloves (It's just be kinda kewl I guess... Lol)

Yuffie's weapons?


Anyways, keep me posted if you know anything or make them or whatever lol... Thanks!


Why would you possibly want this?


Hm. Well, how about I answer your question with another question: Why wouldn't you?


I already know your answer: "Because it's FO3, not FF..." I must answer that with this: SO FREAKING WHAT (yes, another question)?! I'm bored of the normal, FO3 lore dealio, kay? Sheesh, throw me a freaking bone, dude...

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For most people, FO3 is about immersion into a post apocalyptic world, but I can see wanting some unique "fun" gear just to keep in your house for when you're feeling 'out of character'.


Yea, I know it's about "immersing into a post-apocalyptic world," but you see: I've been playing it for over a year now, and I'm a tad bored of the normal FO3 lore... I've been downloading the lore mods for a while now, so I just want to get "out of character," as you said. :P

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