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my oblivion overhaul


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ok, i am making an overhall, and have done a fair bit of adding realism to oblivion such as



1: daedric is going back to being ridiculously rare and expensive, glass weaponry very light, ebony very expensive, dwarven illegal and all of these very rare


2: guards and imperial legion soldiers arent going to level with you, but more "elite" ones such as palace guards and count's guards are in the lvl 20s

(and i am trying to find out if there is a way to make more guards present if you are wanted enough, so lvl 45 uber characters arent going to be laughing at everything


3: bandits are usualy less than lvl 10, marauders less than level 20 and vampires either lvl 30, 27 or 25- meaning gtfo for the level 2s. (there will be stuff for the lvl 2s still)


4: if you see a lich, my advice is to run, as ultra powerfull sorcerers arent going to be level under lvl 45 anymore :) but dont worry as they will be very rare (and may show up at level 1)


5: now when in oblivion...

instead of every dremora becoming markynaz rank when you get to level 20 (which is dum as *ban me* because that makes every dremora you fight a lord) you now fight more and more kynvals (lvl12). but because i am feeling kind level 2s still fight churls. i will also be adding a book explaining why some dremora are weak


new clanfears, ranging from runts to emperors ( i think a xilivali barely comes up to an emperors knees, but emperor are going to be very rare, maybe even only one in the game)



6: the perk system will be altered. simply because a master in heavy Armour isnt going to be non encumbered by it. crime will also change as soon as i find out how to let the player kill off entire squads of guards in the middle of nowhere without them sending telepathic messages to the other side of tamriel about you killing them.


7: even at the highest level, nearly all enemy's will be using iron,steel, leather and fur


8: new random oblivion worlds


9: many more things




i was going to add enemys from past tes games, but unless someone else can model a few things i wont be able to do them


http://images.uesp.net//5/57/BS-Monster-Herne.jpg (the only model needed is the antler things, they are supposed to be pretty much the same as scamps)


http://images.uesp.net//a/a5/DaggerfallDaedroth.gif - (i guess a human with a croc head)

a water druegh


i also wanted to add some realistic looking shields (probably retextures of the iron shield) and some slight variations to Armour


the mod will require this mod (the models at least, the esp is your choice) to get some variations of daedric. i cant include the models myself because that would be stealing, and i think he has quit modding so i cant ask him





i also wanted to know


if glass, dwarven and orcish are supposed to resist normal weapons? (ebony will)


how much imunity daedra should have from mundane weaponry?


if diseases should play a larger role in game


if there are any features the community would like?

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Do you know how to do all that? I was looking at your list of uploaded mods. You might want to do a few more small mods before tackling something this huge.


I don't remember any armor resisting normal weaponry.


Scamps are immune to common weapons I remember. I think dremoras are too.


There should be more diseases that are hard to cure. Like going to one particular shrine, buying a potion from one particular alchemist, or requiring you to gather a bunch of rare ingredients.


It does sound like it would be a cool mod.

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i have done around 40% already



glass and dwarven weapons, are they supposed to be effected by resist normal weaponry? i remember in morrowind ebony was, and ebony is a variation of glass, so i am unsure.


all expensive weapons are getting their morrowind prices back. (although i am not sure if 120000 for a daedric dai katana is reasonable, i might want to change it to a point where they are much more expensive than oblivion but not at the extreme of morrowind)


i am not sure if the disease thing is possible with my skills, however, i may be able to alter the shivering isle smith code to allow you to bring ebony ore to a smith to make ebony armour

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