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Two Suggestions


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Just have two v. small suggestions for F3 mods which I think could be v. useful.


1. Silver's cabin. I'd like for one or more of the containers in there to be permanent, IE not disappear my stuff. The shack has a fast-travel point and looks pretty cool on the inside, so if I be evil and kill Silver i'd like to be able to set up shop there with a container to chuck all my crap.

2. Silent Kill Knife. Just a thought, I play a sneaking character and I would LOVE a knife that did nil/medium damage in a normal fight BUT with sneak attack was insta-kill- IE like the knife on cod, but sneak-atk only. Would be useful for silent-killing enemies so I can continue through dungeons without all hell breaking loose.


Just two brief suggestions, I think they would actually be quite good.

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