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New Mages Weapon


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I find that mages using only staves in Skyrim is rather lame. I know their main weapon is basically the few spells TESV gave us, but the vanilla ones aren't very good, nor balanced... not to me at least. So I hope someone can make a mod for a different style of mage weaponry. I have only thought of a few so far so bear with me.





Basically this lets you shoot magical arrows with high velocity. You don't need to charge them like staves, they work a bit like Crossbows except they reload faster.


Sword of Void

A sword that shoots out magical slashes. I was thinking maybe it could come in 3 different forms; dagger, one-handed sword and broadswords. The bigger the weapon, the stronger the magic slash.


Earth Hammer

Think of the Giant's Smash where you got threw miles away... except this time you can do it with a weapon! The hammer will be 2-handed, and when you use it you will pound the earth. The closer the enemies, the more damage, and lightweights within 6-ft radius will get blown sky-high.






Instead of a charged staff like we have now, possibly some staves that you have to focus on and renders you immobile but it will summon 2~4 units for you instead. The moment you lose focus or if the charge runs out the summons will die. Starting from the wolf familiar and all the way up to the Dremora Lords.


All this will benefit from perks like the normal staves of course.. That's all for now. I might add more later. Thank you for your time.

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There are many mods that add new spells and/or rebalance the vanilla ones.


I've seen a mod that introduces wands, but I haven't tried it.


If you haven't seen it already, check out this Two Handed sword from Dragonborn DLC: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Bloodskal_Blade


As for your conjuration idea, taking the player out of combat to "focus" on maintaining summoned creatures is generally undesirable, as most like using summoned creatures to add, offensively and defensively, to their battle style. However, an alternative would be to link the summoned creature(s) to your magicka bar so they slowly drain it and last as long as your magicka does.

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