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Better tagging system?


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It says 1,685 Files Tagged on my profile, but this does not mean 1,685 actual submissions, it's 1,685 Tags. And I usually give more than 1 tag to files, so it comes down to probably around 400 or something.
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One tip for my fellow taggers around. If you want the tags to be noticed imediatly go the a category and organize the mods by the number of downloads or endorsements. This way you will find out mods that have been tagged by one or two people already and when you tag the files they will be approved. This is only to improve the tag seach system immediatly. There are plenty files that have no tags so get to work you lazy bas.... :biggrin:(joking)





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Yeh, but it's really the old mods without tags which really needs tagging, because they are forgotten and sort of "hidden" mods, which needs tags to be exposed. :)
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I am aware of that, but this is just to make a difference right away. I tag or try to tag all the files I use and the ones I pick for my list. :biggrin:
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Authors are not immune to the rules and setting all the tags just to show up in the search results is called "Site Abuse"


But if you see bad tagging, please report those.


Ok, but anyway the main problem is the inefficiency of this system. The first case can be reported -there are not too many-, but the second would require many, many reports to moderators...

I don't mind do it 4 times, but I perfectly know that using reports for bad tagging will make me loose a lot of time and the reports will be many more.

I suggest to add other icon apart from "suggest/accept" & "disagree" icon. Just a "Report tag" icon.

With this option the mod should be added to a list -with the tag reported- in order to be revised by the moderator. (it would be great the application of an independent moderation staff for tags as it has been written before)

The decision of the moderator should solve the problem: disabling the tag permanently, adding the tag permanently, ...


And a multiple tagging management not only when adding but when disagreeing/deleting and reporting. No more 6 page reloads in order to apply the proper tags

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