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nation flags


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i was using KDS nation flags in my game ( awsome mod by the way thanks for all your hard work) and was thinking if this happed for real then people wouldnt just roam around the world as scavengers on thier own they would try to find a group to belong to. now i know the game does this some what but i think it should go farther. if you read j. dimonds book guns germs and steel. humans in the stone age ( like the people of fallout have been bombed to) all found a common idea or goal one of those things was faith. i think if the people of the world were back to the stone age they would still stick to the one thing that would hold them together as a group and one of those things would be religion another would be politics and so forth.


ok i know what your thinking im a bible thumper but i asure you im not. with that said heres what i purpose adding religion and politics to the game such as islam, cathlic, budist, satanist. ECT also politic communist domacracy anarcy ECT

this can be done by changing armor for npc and dialog also expanding on to KDS flag idea and fly those flags on places like megaton rivitcity and others

mama dolces place would be a good example all chinesse solders so fly chinas flag and use more socialist dialog

give the player an option to join them and gain new perk options armor and weapons or deny them and forever be thier enemy

same goes for religion if you join a certain one you gain perks or armor and weapons.


ok im going to stop there let me know if you believe this could work or is just a pipe dream.


p.s. if i insulted anybody by thier beliefs or politics im sorry it was not my intentions if i left your faith or your type of government out of my list it was not intentional. remeber no matter what faith or government you belong to we all poo sitting down. ok if theres people out there who poo standing up im sorry if i affended you.

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