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yes there is


here how


use console commands


To access the console, use the backquote key (`) while in-game (Unpaused). The backquote key shifts to tilde (~) on US keyboards, and the not symbol (¬) on UK keyboards. Other keyboards will differ, but the key is usually to the left of 1, and just under the Escape key (Esc) The HUD will disappear and you will get a prompt (|) in the lower left corner of the screen where you can type-in code(s).


Presentation screenshots


* tfc - toggle free camera; lets you move around the camera at will. To take pictures of your character, make sure you go into third person mode first.

* tm - toggle menus; removes the HUD for even nicer pictures (it will not notify you when the screenshot has been successfully captured but it will function)

* sucsm 10, fast, sucsm 1, slow moving camera in tfc.

* fov 40, narrow, fov 90, wide angle lens. fov 75, default lens.

* tlb - toggle lightbrite mode makes everything well lit, great for dark spots.

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Sorry if this is a totally stupid question, but did you press the console key again (after doing TFC) to get back to the game?


It should all be pretty straightforward -- toggle TFC, then use the same controls you use to move your character to move the camera.

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lol you need to go into 3rd person mode frist, Hold down the F key before you use tfc ect also you can zoom in and out with the middle mouse button when in 3rd person mode good luck :)
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"..you need to go into 3rd person mode frist"


OP should still be able to move the camera around after doing TFC whether in 1st or 3rd person. From the description, it sounds as though the viewpoint is just stuck inside the PC mesh.

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