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Female Dalish armor midriff fix?


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Just started a new character with a Dalish female and have come to see how horribly done the midriff is with the Dalish armor. It honestly looks like they just texture over the armor since the skin of the stomach connects seamlessly to the lower half skirt part. It looks awful. Is there a way to fix this? I searched the mod files but found nothing that address the midriff problem.
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Just started a new character with a Dalish female and have come to see how horribly done the midriff is with the Dalish armor. It honestly looks like they just texture over the armor since the skin of the stomach connects seamlessly to the lower half skirt part. It looks awful. Is there a way to fix this? I searched the mod files but found nothing that address the midriff problem.


I think this will do what you are looking for. One of the options fixes all of the light armors to bare midriff.



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After messing with that mod, it doesn't fix what I was after. The regular version only shortens the skirt piece and doesn't fix the midriff. The optional file seems to but it has to do with the custom giant boobs. I'm just looking for the regular Dalish armor without the funky looking stomachs.
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After messing with that mod, it doesn't fix what I was after. The regular version only shortens the skirt piece and doesn't fix the midriff. The optional file seems to but it has to do with the custom giant boobs. I'm just looking for the regular Dalish armor without the funky looking stomachs.


He actually has two optional versions, one larger bust called "a little more", and the smaller bust called "a little less". The two optional versions are a little skimpier on the clothing as the main version, but they are identical except the less means less bust. In his screenshot section I posted a shot there called Dalish Kim that shows the smaller bust. I know it does not show up in the main screen, but click the image and it will come up to view.


I would also mention the Dalish Glass, or Dalish AG it think it's called now, but as far as I know it only works on the human females. This one was done by adriangi who also did the Realistic Look and Mord Sith Armor mods.


EDIT: If you want to get away from the bikini look, there is also this mod:



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there is a prgram called Dalish_leather_revised, it fixes the back deformity issue while wearign the dalish leather, I think i got it off bioware but my memory is faulty at best! perhaps a search thru google or this site help? I detested the dalish leather til i installed this, now the back of the avatar and others looks normal!
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  • 3 weeks later...


That did it. Really cleans up the default armor. More to the fix I was after.. it doesn't fix the bad stomach texture but it does fix the shape big time. The stomach no longer looks like its a textured part of the armor. Much better.


Kudos to all.

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