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S.T.A.R.S Samurai Edge-Barry Burton model Request


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Well my favorite character in the Resident Evil games has always been Barry Burton.

And I had found the Samurai Edge that somebody did for Fallout 3 awhile back and I've been using it for awhile.

Well due to my fondess of Barry I wanted to request to have Barry's version of the Samurai edge done up.

Based off of the Resident evil Wiki descrip of his version if as follows.


Barry Burton had a heavily customized version of the "Samurai Edge." It fired .40 S&W caliber bullets in a 3 round burst fire mode and featured a longer barrel and compensator for increased accuracy and stability.


But there is also the fact of the Strict requirements that was put out for the original Samurai edge.


It had to have a magazine capacity of at least 13 rounds.

It had to have fixed sights and dotted posts.

It had to be capable of producing at least a 2 inch grouping within 25 yards. with no variation after 3,000 rounds.

It had to be capable of double-action fire.

It had to be ambidextrous.


I also have two pictures of said Samurai Edge.


Airsoft gun version:



Ingame version:


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