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Tobar the ferryman Boat is MISSING


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Capital Wasteland Ferry dock to Point Lookout


Tobar the ferryman Boat is MISSING he's standing on top of the water near one door , nothing eles around , just off the dock. To talk with Tobar ,I had to swim too him. Didnt catch a tip, got too Rad sick !




Have Pointlookout reborn installed.


What other mods would remove the boat ,play with the boat


The install took a while, the order been important, So thought I'll ask before I start ripping into it.




This current Load order is been tweaked , does work , Weather lighting is fantastic


Using Dynamic Weather, Paradox Fellout enbseries_fallout3_v0203enboost
http://www.enbdev.com/patch_falloutnv_enboost_v0203.htm , trying others,

Wasteland Sunlight


Fallout 3 Building Sunlight




Clear day



Edited by sutex
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