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Lockable doors & timer triggered explosives


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Don't kill me if these mods already exist, I tried searching for them but didn't find anything with the terms timer or anything else.


First of, you know those classic movie scenes where one tries to run away from X and finally manage to get into a room just and just, shutting and jamming the door of it, causing X to fail in killing. Well you get the point.

In FO3, if you're like low on ammo and health and you run away from say.. fireant, it manages to open any door you close in your way. This is what I'd like to see made impossible for them, say, make certain creatures unable to open doors OR add an option to lock a door. Also this could be made so that AI chracters who don't have keys to other rooms can't just magically open them, while you need to have a key to get into a room (eg. Rivet City hotel room).

Though this could be exploited a bit (one just hides in the hotel room until everyone is gone). Maybe give keys to certain characters (eg. Rivet City security)


My second request is a timer controlled bomb. Basically you'd put down an explosive, a frag mine, mini nuke (or some custom, which would be more proper) and you could set a timer for it and then run away to safe distance. This would be a great addition imo.


Do these mods already exist?

If so, post a link so I can download 'em ;)


Aight peace.

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make certain creatures unable to open doors

Already present. Ants can't actually open doors IIRC. Deathclaws can though...

Well, you get the point. Make it unavaiable for all creatures (for ghouls too, imo).

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My second request is a timer controlled bomb. Basically you'd put down an explosive, a frag mine, mini nuke (or some custom, which would be more proper) and you could set a timer for it and then run away to safe distance. This would be a great addition imo.



This is another project I really want to get back to working on. Until then, I think Razorwire's Time Bomb may be the best out there (haven't tried it myself).

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Right, thanks. That mod does the trick for me, and lock 101 works good enough if I ever need to 'jam' a door..


Was really tricky to find a time bomb mod cause google searches basically led to 'timebomb' (character) and well, somehow missed that mod in fo3nexus search.

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