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Looking for clothes and armors


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I ask a lot of questions. Anyway, I was wondering if anyone knew of any good clothing or armor mods, I know there are a lot and i've seen some screenshots where people had some really good looking clothes but i've been unable to find anything like those. I've looked through all 51 pages of the clothing mods and I haven't found anything I liked it. I know most, if not all the clothing is to show off a female characters body or the model, I don't mind that, but I'm not looking to make the character look pretty much naked. A lot of dresses and skirts though, wish there were more pants though.



Anyway. Are there any looking female clothing or armors for hgec? I downloaded a race mod and since I couldn't find a manual version of exnem, i was going to try that. Oh, and as for males, are there also any good looking clothing or armors too? I've tried searching but I haven't found anything really. Anyway, sorry, thanks for your help everyone.

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Since You have decided you like HGEC download the Apachii Goddess Store php?id 13437 and try some of the many items available. You can find the sources for the clothing from the Readme. Look for other items by the authors of the armors and clothing you like.Most clothing and armor downloads are glitch free and usually do not cause conflicts that can spoil the game.
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There are a couple that I really like, here are the links. Both work with HGEC


1. Nexon's Armory: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=31340 Awesome looking Elven sorceress armor, there are also some sweet weapons in this pack.


2. Apachii Goddess Store: This one may lag you quite a bit while inside, but the rewards are well worth it. There are tons of outfits/armor, dresses, jewelry, wigs. You name it's in there: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=13437


I will look in my data folder for a few more, There is a Dark Illusion armor set that is nice, it is functional as well as fashionable.


Dark Illusion: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=12785


Dark Huntress: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=22230


Huntress: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=28297


Hope you like em, I think they are all pretty awesome, each in their own way :)

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I have all that I listed installed together right now.


Edit: Except for the last one, I saw that when I was looking for the Dhuntress link. Gonna add it and see it there is a conflict.

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