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Oblivion Character Gen


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When using the oblivion face gen to create feminine looking characters they, more-often-than-not, look like man-women. I'm just trying to create a pretty, young looking female. Not a super model or anything. Just someone who looks feminine.


Can anyone give me some advice in terms of which sliders to pay the most attention to and characteristics of 'girlier' face.


Please don't suggest using external programs or downloading pre-made characters. I'd like to stick with the sliders. I am using some other body/facial texture mods though.

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Set the age slider as young as possible.In textures adjust the eyebrow color to match the hair color, and redden the lips a little.In Shape make the nostrils wider and thinner,this also lowers the nose overall. Make the nose sellion width slider centered. I thin the lips and purse the mouth. Make the neck slope high and thin the jaw. Make the eyes as large as possible. Move the cheek round/gaunt slider to the middle area.Make the cheeks more concave. Move the inner eyebrow slider all the way to the right,then move the outer slider an inch from the right,then move the hieght slider to the center.Tweak the face sliders to adjust to your liking.
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