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Bethesda hates axes


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There is a disturbing lack of good unique axes and battleaxes in vanilla Skyrim. There are two battleaxe artifacts, Wuuthrad and the Rueful Axe. And they are both terrible unless modified. There are no unique war axes either, the closest would be Okin, found i Volunruud, but that's just a Nord Hero Axe with a WEAK frost enchantment.

The fudge were Bethesda thinking?


With this, I'm asking if there are any good axe mods out there. I'm talking unique axes, with their own custom meshes, hidden away somewhere in Skyrim, not something you can forge under the Steel smithing category with the same power as a Daedric counterpart.

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Yeah, I've used that mod in the past. Only reason I uninstalled it is because it used a lot of artifact weapons available from other mods, as regular random weapons. Other than that, it's cool. But again, I'm looking for uniques, with their own enchantments.

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