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CRAFTing exCalibr ammo.


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I'd like to make some custom CRAFT schematics, sold by Sy Simms, to make the different kinds of ammo he's selling. Of course they'd cost quite a lot, but that's the point.


Now, I know this can be done (the Ammo Toolkits mod is a good example), but I don't really understand the exact workings.


I recently looked at the CRAFT custom schematic tutorial (http://forums.bethsoft.com/?showtopic=961763) and I didn't understand much.


Can anyone give me a newbie's walkthrough of how it's supposed to work? If I can just get the process down with an example, I can copy the script, edit the relevant bits and have the whole thing done for you guys in a few days. I'd be happy to share whatever comes out of this, since I can imagine I'm not the only one who's spent several thousand caps on ammo from Sy.

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