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booby prize items?


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I am using MMM, FWE, and some others. There are a few items that I have not yet found a use for, and I am wondering if more experienced players could help me develop a sort of "booby prize" list here: items that are not CRAFT components and do not seem to have much purpose other than filling up your inventory...


In MMM there seem to be a few "useless" items. Do mole rat teeth do anything? What about dog fur? Ghoul flesh? What else is just a waste of time to collect?

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I am using MMM, FWE, and some others. There are a few items that I have not yet found a use for, and I am wondering if more experienced players could help me develop a sort of "booby prize" list here: items that are not CRAFT components and do not seem to have much purpose other than filling up your inventory...


In MMM there seem to be a few "useless" items. Do mole rat teeth do anything? What about dog fur? Ghoul flesh? What else is just a waste of time to collect?


Pretty much everything thats added as drops from MMM is useless. Meant to be for selling purposes, making you feel like a real hunter y'know? For those with harder-to-get-caps mods its great, for the others its just something to ignore. Personally I like it, running alot of mods that makes the wasteland alot harsher it would only make sense to me that I'd skin some animals to sell the fur. The Ghoul Flesh thing I think was meant for the doctor in Underworld who mentions something about studying Human Flesh and Ghoul Flesh "if you have any", but I don't think they worked it out properly. Only really useful item is the night ghoul eyes. They're real Bear Grylls style survivor food, making you see in the dark (wonder how they found that out...). Vanilla items I usually ignore is basically everything I don't have a need for right there and then, heavy objects like fission batteries are left behind like I would in real life.


Don't know what CRAFT uses for its stuff, I figure they made everything useful to some degree so.. Wait until you need something then when you stumble over it take it with you, otherwise don't take the specially heavy stuff. After a few playthroughs my desk is always filled with numerous parts that I thought I'd need.

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