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World cup predictions


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Yup, old dudes of the leagues often show a critical lack of team spirit, hanging around waiting for the ball, trying to use the crowbar when they get into panic, babbling on TV about the faults of others - they're are thus almost expendable in modern football matches. My crystal ball not by chance shows the USA and Africans able to work in a young, zealous team in the finals of the cups to come.


And now - Netherlands vs Slovakia :woot:


*Hup Holland Hup*

http://www.ztilbruch.de/SMILIES/Cheerleader.gif http://www.abload.de/img/nl80x60auvg.gif 2:1 van Persie showed off with a strange egoism; Robben and Sneijder did a good job.


Next task in the quarter final - Brazil, presumably :sweat:

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Well after scoring a couple of critical goals against the flu bug from who-the-hell-knows-which-country, I'm sitting pretty once again ... Me 10 - Flu bugs 0 ....


FIFA needs to catch-a-wake-up, goal-line technology is a must - can you just imagine a critical goal in the final, no wait, every single one of the matches played in the "world-cup qualifiers" and

the big mama herself "Ze Vorld Cup" are ALL important, and no one can afford a slack-eyed depressed, oppressed and possessed sideline official, too much is at stake.


Talking about stakes, should one be driven through the foul and blackened heart of Fabio Capello ?

Personally, I say a big yes ... strap him down babe, and plunge it in ... (joking).

Almost all the English fans here - both visitors and those who live here (with the exception of a few bleeding hearts) feel that Capello should get it good.

It's a toss up - for some it's the stake and for others it's the big "Kapow" - you know, the big ol gun with the big ol bullets that make a big ol hole ... lol.

No, honestly, both team and coach need to share responsibility -

Did the team do as the coach instructed ?

Why was the team so despondent with the coach and his "battle plans" ?

Did ze coach choose ze right peoples and put zeese peoples in ze right places ?

"Why did ya do what ya did" ? as the old Marianne Faithful song goes - hmmm ?


Well at least I've got Germany and the Netherlands to scream and shout for - what a game against Slovakia today ... 2 Nederland - 1 Slovakia ... wel gedaan, mwah.


The Portugal vs Spain match should be a real war ... I for one will defintely not miss that one ... my choice would be Portugal.

Argentina vs Germany, I'm going to close my eyes for that one ... Argentina are amazing ....


On a personal note here - what's up with Pele for bad mouthing Maradonna and accusing him of only coaching Argentina for the money ?

As far as I know, Pele never ever coached Brazil, so put a sock in it buddy !!!

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Yes, Argentina is good (Messi ;D) but I don't like their coach, maradonna...lol, I had a weird dream last week, argentina wins the cup cuz Messi shot a goal the same way Maradonna did: With his hand..


What a nightmare! D:

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You are talking about maradonna surenas? Yes, I don't like him either..he just got their coach cuz he needed the money in my opinion...anyway, Brazil won! 3:0! Now they just have to move a bit more and also a bit faster in the defense and they win the cup. For luck they have Julio Cesar, a really good keeper.
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Yup MonsterHunterMaster, I've indeed meant the lil macho man, hardly a good choice, neither for Argentina nor for the women of the world watching football :woot:


Well, the Germans are indeed a lil surprise, cos they don't play any longer acc to the old battle tank tactics, as it was still in the days of their coach "Grandma Schoen" and the defeat by the English in Wimbledon 66 :teehee:

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