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Mods won't work


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Hi there!


First of, sorry if this is the wrong forum.. :\


Also, I tried to search for my problem, but couldn't find any similar topics. (if because of my lacking search skills or wrong forum, then I'm sorry)


Before I start, let me say I'm a complete nub when it comes to modding Oblivion;


I wanted to install the "Ethereal eye" mod, as well as "Natural Faces" and "Facial textures by Enayla"


I'm using Oblivion Mod Manager.


- So, I load the omod file for the Natural Faces and activate it but there is no change in-game. (tried with creating a new character). (Could this be because there is no esp file? I don't know..)


- The Ethereal Eye mod had no omod file, so I created it and actiavted it; now all the eyes in game are full black (missing textures or some such?)


- "Facial textures by Enayla" readme file simply stated that I should replace the files in the oblivion\Data\Textures\characters\darkelf (etc) with the ones supplied; which I did. To no avail, it seems; no diff in game either.


Sorry if I'm asking questions that have previously been answered (if so, please link me the sollution etc), or doing it all wrong...


If my specs are in any way needed, here they are;


laptop w. i7 920XM (no oc), HD5870 mobility, 8 gigs ram. windows 7 pro 64 bit. I got the steam version of the game.


PS: Appriciate all answers; I don't really want to start playing until I've got it all solved, in case I'm not sattisfied with the chars looks after I've gotten the mods to work..


PPS: What's up thenexus?


Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/tes/public_html/includes/mysql.php on line 2

Site MySQL is currently down. Please come back a little later. Error follows:

Too many connections


Anyone else getting this error?

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I too am getting that error.


If you are as much of a noob as you claim to be, you might want to check out my collection of tutorials:


Tutorials Abound!


I would reccomend looking up the one by bben46 first, it has some good info in an easy to digest format. If you are looking just to replace the eyes, I'm not sure you need an omod? Seems to me like making the omod was your problem. Maybe you should have just stuck with the regular .esp.


In the future, it is a good idea to start with one mod at a time. You might even have a conflict, seeing as they both affect the eyes. I personally use the Cosmetic Compillation, as it changes enough but not enough to be obviously noticeable. Also you can use dremora horns and have goat eyes. Very cool for the right character.


I would also suggest dowloading Wrye Bash and getting familliar with the basics of that program. It realy isn't that difficult. Also Look up BOSS (Better Oblivion Sorting System). You can pick mods off the 8,000+ that they have listed as compatible (and only run 255 at a time). You can pretty much trust the boss list, but not always. It is always reccomended to install and play One mod at a time! The time you save trying to figure out where your problem is will outweigh the thrill of getting lucky with a good list. Even if using the BOSS.


I too am running on a laptop with integrated graphics (using cpu instead of gpu). I don't think this is your problem. I know that Windows 7 UAC blocks mods in some way if they are installed into the default (program files) folder. You might want to read more on that as well.


Sorry, would link to stuff, but the nexus is down atm,


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