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GECK help needed


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Uh what you have is a H&K an what you want is a M4A2 with a knife on the end. I'm not sure but I think you can actually post pictures in this forum, which is done from getting the correct link at your photobucket account. Let's give it a try before I try to fix your mod.




Oh wow look at that, it's a Ext barrel & Pinned full auto pistol. That might be the .45 barrel in the M92 frame too, :O




Uh check an see if your first person setting for the weapon is set to a H&K. That's the only thing I can think of because you basicly looking at two different meshes. You don't need a first person version of a weapon, cut your work in half, set that 1st person weapon model to none, then it uses the other as default. The first person is if you wanted even more high resolution in your first person view, but heck 1024X1024 maps are HD at 96 pixels per inch on anything from hand sized to body sized. Then you can stack about 60 of those in a cell with 6 lights on them before you see a performance loss. Let meh guess you created the weapon from opening up a H&K? Just wondering, because if you didn't then this is the worst failure I've ever seen. Totally awesome M4A2 in nifscope, an GECK turns it into a H&K... I guess if this isn't what's wrong you could have messed up the names. It could be a problem inside the mesh, of things not being rendered, but that wouldn't make it look like a H&K.






Ouuu the Jung 662 18mm pistol lulz who can afford the bullets? You need the link which has the IMG in brackets...






.45 Nickel Jane




Yah I never use any of these, I guess I would if I found them in the game




Use the crap out of these bats though, ding ding, wop ding! I use them so much I'm too busy to upload it. That's funny they're both the same size, that's perspective I guess.




I never really finished any of these enough to upload it. Soory. Etched colts are hot though huh?

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well my problem is i took the mesh for the HK 416 added a new stock knife/bayonet acog scope and a flash light and when i put them in the Geck it dosen't have the stock knife/bayonet acog scope and a flash light they just don't show up at all. if you can't see the pic go to my first post and the first link.



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It's not a H&K anymore, you have a Colt M4 reciver on it, it's pretty obvious it's more colt than anything else. What you have done is called a "hacked" mesh meaning it was hacked up. Someone really good at meshes might frown on it. But if you did the copy an paste cleanly then it would work fine. What you should do is try to make it look just like a known good vanilla mesh.


First decide if you want it to perform like a assault rifle or a SMG. Then Extract a fresh assault rifle or SMG mesh. Open that with Nifscope in one window, then open your "hacked" mesh in another window.


Compare the block list, names from one to the other. Extra parts that are not animated can just use the main block list name. Like for a pistol I think it's 10mmpistol:0 or something.


No that :O isn't the system making a funny face at you, if you had extra parts then depending on which branches you pasted them in, you would want to have the same name



In the example of a 10mmpistol:0 it would be








1 2 3 are all extra parts I added in, from copying a branch an pasting it into the 10mmpistol:0, If I pasted them on AssaultRifle:0 then they would be the same way only the 1 2 3 part changed, First thing after you paste it in, go to the block details at the bottom, the top entry, edit that, find the parts name, then select it an change the 0 to 1 or 1 to 2, 2 to 3



You can find out the block list names from the block details, at the bottom of the screen if it's checked in view.


basicly click on a part of the mesh, then look in the block details, the top entry is the name, edit it which brings up the interface an will display all the available names for the seperate parts, you can usually find the main item here too. I usually use the same names, you can create new ones, but stuff like this is why "hacked" meshes don't perform well.



So long as if your new hacked mesh looks pretty much identical to a vanilla one, then you get good performance.


Also rather than copying the whole branch you can also just copy the actual shape, it's kind of funny pasting it back in, an then you have to fix the textures. But that would be the cleanest way, however the matrial data an some of the other stuff would be different, which in those cases copying the whole branch is the shape plus that extra stuff. Some I'll do the whole branch some just the shape.


The problem is, when you paste a branch or part of a branch, Nifscope gives is a random block list name. It's more easy to fix if you do it right after you paste it


You need to read into a guide which shows you how to "hack" meshes better.



This what you have is a failure. You should start over, only this time when you paste it in, copy the branches from your already placed items, then paste the branches into a known good vanilla mesh you just extracted. I don't paste into other modders meshes, only the known good vanilla ones. While you are pasteing it in make sure that it looks just like a vanilla mesh as you work on it. Do this by having a vanilla mesh you are not going to work on opened in one window, then the mesh you copy from in another window, then the mesh you paste into in another window opened up with that same vanilla mesh.

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ZOMG it is a H&K, I just saw the base model. Yay another M4... There's a Model from Canada out there too, I think it's called CBA2 or something, hahaha.... I see what you were trying to do now. That's super cool. Keep it up man you'll be doing crazy stuff you never thought off in no time...


The picture of GECK made it look like was so small it looked like an H&K SMG, an the other picture was from nifscope so it looked better. Ha ha I thought somehow you had turned a H&K SMG into a colt M4ish Assault rifle. I was like what tha? they don't even look like the same gun. Heh heh, Bah who cares it looks much better now anyway.


You should give it a funny name like the vanilla "wanda" assault rifle, name it "Sally Johnson", hmmm no no, "Lucy the girlfriend" hmmm How about name it "lindsey" ouuuu

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