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Interesting Courier


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Yes, Crimson Ranger Armor seems like a good fit. Hmmm... I'll include every DLC but Hearthfires; that one is pretty redundant. Now, I've thought about a good backstory for him, but being raised in an orphanage seems too cliché. Perhaps he once ran from Solitude to Riften as a youth, carrying his condemned father's pardon, but arrived too late? Oh, and here are some lines based off of your suggestions:


Courier: I've got quite an interesting delivery for you


Player: Who is it from?


Courier: Why, its from Falk Firebeard, the Jarl of Solitude! Ha, I heard he has quite a fiery temper to match his beard, and he's been getting a little too close to Elisif since Torygg's death. But anyway, here's your letter.


Player: Thanks!


Courier: No problem. May swift wind light your steps.

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Uh, wow. I just read the beginning of the thread and thought "OMG, this will be perfect for the Tough Couriers!"... and then I saw the rest of the conversation. :D

Once something interesting starts rolling in here you really ain't allowed to go to bed, because you could miss something :D

Really great! :)

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