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Final Fantasy Character test! ^^


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Don't be a troll, it's just a test. Keyword: "for fun".

just giving my opinion, the games are wellmade... i just never liked them



Well, Square Enix (at that time called Square Soft) was poor, so they wanted to create an epic game. The one who was behind the story said that after he made this game, he would leave Square Soft, thus he called it FINAL Fantasy. But then, it sold so well, that he decided to stay. And we all know that good games ALWAYS get sequels/prequels or something like that, so Square Soft made Final Fantasy II. They didn't rename it because, well, they just didn't feel like doing that.

But hey, Calliton, why being grumpy? ^^ Why not just take the test? :P

I'm sorry if this topic made you upset ^^"

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Hmm, just a quick comment on the result: Is there a reason why EVERYONE of us got a Final Fantasy VII character? I'm just asking....


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