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Please someone make a FF10 Shiva-ish Companion/summon


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Imagine a hot (or rather cold) summoned being at ur disposal doing ur every bidding, well im not asking it to be the shiva in ff10 coz it will cause lots of copyright stuffs maybe a Summoned Being with Follower properties based in FinalFantasy10's Shiva with customed casting animation of blizzard or turn ice, ice storm spells imitating shiva's signature attack "Diamond Dust" . it will be a plus if she is levitating like the fire atronachs... just want to have a personal Summon unique to our dearest dragonborn arch-mage. Whoever will make this mod will be PAID by ME.. umm not the money stuff coz i dont have the capacity to do so (im not that rich) but I will PAY (ill do ur laundry for a week or a year, orr feed ur dogs orr ...wash ur car..) :dance: :dance: :dance:http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/36400000/Final-Fantasy-X-image-final-fantasy-x-36454259-766-766.jpg

Edited by AngelBiscuit
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