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Usings mods with FWE.


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Just wondering what type of mods are safe to use together with FWE? Particularly weapon mods, can I add any them in and expect them to work under FWE standards or will the balance be messed up making them(the newly added weapons) too weak or too powerful?


I recently when on a mod rampage after a week of scouring nexus for the mods I wanted but them I realised some of the new quests/areas mods have added items and weaponry so I stopped installing them for the mean time till I can be sure they wont mess up my FWE experience. Im sure some of you have been using FWE for a long time so hopefully someone with more knowledge can help me on this.

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as far as i know, the only mods that could have problems with FWE are overhauls like FOOK

look at the FOIP page here on the Nexus, there you'll see all the compatabilities with FWE (those that aren't in the FWE page)


in terms of balance, if a weapon you add is too weak\strong, just modify its stats using GECK, it takes several moments, so that shouldn't trouble you


hope this helps

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