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Throwing Knive Revisited?


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I've searched for throwing knives but only found one Mod that has a poor trajectory and I don't like the animation of it to much and it is very buggy.


I would like someone to at least try to make throwing knives that have have high damage but not ridiculous high damage.


What I would preferably like on it.


20-40 damage.


25% chance of critical hits.


Nice throwing animation not like a frag grenade throw but a custom one if possible with knife collision sound on contact with an object.


Reusable so you can pick them up.


Are sold by all Caravan ''Weapon'' Traders.


Price to be 100 Caps each and they have a stock of 20 each.


Knock over effect when it's critical.


The knife looks like the ''Switch Blade'' knife and is held by the blade and ''Not'' the handle if possible.

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1. Open Geck

2. Find Projectile, Change Gravity

3. Trial and Error

4. ??????

5. Profit!!!

That wouldn't work in this case, as the problem is the aiming, not how the projectile falls over distance, you have to aim to the left to hit anything and you can't hit poo in vats.


Custom throw anims=impossible without screwing over grenades.

Couldn't you get around that with Fose?

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