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CM Companions and custom clothing help.


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I was trying to make a CM Companion that wore clothing from the Apachii Goddess Store and a custom bow from Crossbows Of Cyrodiil. When I place my companion in game, she's wearing the clothes and the weapon just like I want her to, but when I do go in game, she's not wearing anything. Do I have to merge the mods to make them work or is there an alternative solution? Thanks!
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Use Wrye Bash to change the esp(s) to an esm(s) and add the items in the CS. Remember to change them back to an esp before you play. Use esmify to make an esp act like an esm and use espify to change it back into an esp.
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Okay, CS seems to have a problem with making ESMs out of Slof's Jeans and/or Apachii Heroes Store. Everytime I try to save my companion (a different one than before) with them loaded, CS freezes and crashes to the desktop. =/ It worked with having Masters of Apachii Goddess Store and Crossbows of Cyrodiil for my other companion though.
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