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How do I find any actor's Base ID?


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I apologize if this is not in the correct place.


Is there a simple way to find out the base ID of ANY actor in the game world? Like the base ID of any monster, NPC, follower, from vanilla or mod or whereever? Clicking on actors in the game world brings up their Ref_ID, which isn't what I need and does not work with some commands (e.g. setessential <base_id>) The command "gbo" also seems to bring up reference ID when used on actors.


I know there is a method that involves using TESsnip + FOMM to look for the ID in specific mods, but these values do not always work, it is sometimes very difficult to find the one I need, and it doesn't seem to contain the IDs of actors created in-game.


This question doesn't only apply to mods; the ingame vanilla command player.placeleveledactoratme 7 creates a clone, but if I want to know the clone's ID, the method I would employ does not seem obvious to me.


Thanks in advance.

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